LWOW2020 Offerings:
For LWOW’s 10th anniversary, we created three new offerings focused on building intergenerational, multi-disciplinary exchange and community as well as upskilling students and law/business professionals to help them better navigate the ever-changing legal landscape. The goals of these offerings build on LWOW’s historic 3-part mission: 1) help participants hone 21st century professional skills (e.g., innovation, cultural competency, creative problem finding and solving, leadership, business planning, communication, collaboration, and virtual/inter-generational teaming); 2) transform relationships between legal professionals and clients; and, 3) create innovations that solve real business challenges faced by legal departments and law firms/companies.
The LWOW Sprint: 2 day in-person experiential learning “weekender” focused on innovation, collaboration, and transformation. Attendees learn design thinking principles and the 3-4-5 Method of Innovation in a multi-disciplinary and cross-generational team format. The Sprint is hands-on upskilling for practicing and aspiring legal and business professionals who seek to enhance their cross-cultural, creative teaming, problem solving, and leadership skills while hacking (attempting to solve) a real business-of-law or social justice challenge on a sponsored team alongside kindred spirits. All teams will create a solution to the problem assigned by the Team Sponsor and present it at the end of the two days to a panel of judges. 17-18 April 2020 @MiamiLaw. For U.S. Students, this course is worth 4 credits (1 credit from the 2-day Sprint and 1 credit from LWOW Xed described below). For more detail, click here.
LWOW Xed: All-virtual course about the innovation in law consisting of two parts (Wednesdays 22 Jan–8 April 2020)
A) Live Webinars: live weekly 90-minute webinars featuring academics and thought leaders from around the world to explore the application of innovation and tech in the law with a global perspective. Participants will learn why and how clients’ expectations are changing, examine risks and opportunities, and consider ways to exceed expectations of critical stakeholders. This part of the course is open to the entire LWOW community including new and returning sponsors, alumni, team leaders, mentors, academics, and law/business school students from participating schools. Armed with a deeper understanding of the legal marketplace around the world and how innovation and technology is impacting the careers and work of legal professionals, all participants will be better able to contribute to their future jobs;
B) Virtual Teaming among the student participants to create a Projects of Worth i.e., each student team creates an innovative solution to a real challenge related to social justice/entrepreneurship that is assigned to the team. This part of the course is for accepted students, alumni who are selected to serve as LWOW Project managers, and for volunteer mentors. It is designed to enable students to better collaborate and make more meaningful contributions during the Sprint. The webinar component contextualizes innovation in law by covering the broad topics that will frame the narrower challenges assigned to teams in the LWOW Sprint. The teaming/ideation component enables students to practice the skills they will employ in the Sprint beforehand. However, the team challenge and make-up will be different at the Sprint. This course can be taken alone and for U.S. students it is 3 credits. However, for those students who have been accepted in LWOW Sprint 2020, this course is required. Wednesdays 22 Jan–8 April 2020. For U.S. Students, this course is 3 credits. For more detail, click here.
The course meets in the LWOW Live Webinar Virtual Room on Wednesdays from 21:50 UTC-24:30 UTC (4:50pm-7:30pm ET) beginning 22 January and ending 8 April.
21:50 UTC (4:50pm ET): Participants enter the community waiting room (click here).
22:00-23:30 UTC (5pm-6:30pm ET) Live webinars
23:30-24:30 UTC (6:30pm-7:30pm ET) teaming session with LWOW Project Manager
LWOW PopUps: community building, interactive skills-enhancing evenings designed to introduce LWOW to newcomers and provide refreshers to those who have participated in LWOW before. With a combo of substantive content (on the application of innovation to law) and networking, these PopUps are designed to be learning and connectivity opportunities for the LWOW community across the globe. As such, we seek hosts who are willing to fund, plan, and deliver the content of the event in LWOW-style. 16 or 17 Jan, 2020 16:00-18:00 (Location/Host TBD). For more detail, click here. Interested in hosting? please email lawwithoutwalls@lwow.org. Thanks!
Click here to see a chart detailing the differences between the LWOW 2020 offerings and former offerings (LWOW O and LWOW X). Click here to see a list of participating Schools
School Commitment/Student Application Process
Click here to fill out a form to commit to participation in LWOW 2020 and requesting the number of students you would like to participate from your school in LWOW Xed and LWOW Sprint. Note: there is an admin fee per student per program.
Click here to see a Student Application Process Flow Chart.
Recruitment Resources
The LWOW Team is committed to supporting you in the mission to spread the word about LWOW and garner student engagement. Please find resources for LWOW 2020 recruitment below. The application (including information on the process, FAQs, and more) can be found at lwow.org/apply. A reminder that you can find us on twitter/instagram @lawwithoutwalls. Should you have any questions or further needs, please email lawwithoutwalls@lwow.org. Thanks!
Videos to help with Recruiting Students
Recorded 2020 Information Session Led by Lulia Hito (Acting Director of LWOW)
Long form recruitment video (54 seconds)
Short recruitment video featuring alumni testimonials (31 seconds)
(Click here) LWOW brought to life
Personal Pitch examples (YouTube playlist)
Social Media
For twitter, instagram (square size) (Coming Soon)
For Facebook, Linkedin, other platforms (rectangle size) (Coming Soon
Other Info and Support
Testimonials (Click here) Survey results from past participants
Participating Schools (Click here)
Sample winning application (Click here) Winner of Unilever's internal contest to participate as a LWOW Team Leader (one winner, more than 200 entries)