2024 LWOW Sprint Winning Teams + Projects of Worth




How to Train Your Dragon: How do law firms and in-house lawyers learn to use AI tools effectively to deliver client centricity?

TAIlored is a generative AI development tool for junior lawyers to help bridge the skills gap in commercial banking contract negotiations. TAIlored uses gamified challenges and adapted learning to ensure that junior lawyers obtain the experience and competency to efficiently perform the role of a more senior lawyer—earlier in their career—so that a robust pipeline of skilled legal professionals capable of handling tasks vital for commercial contracts exists within the bank's legal department. TAIlored: the AI Solution to an AI Problem.

Team Members: Mark Cruickshank (NatWest), Richard Danks (NatWest), Hannah Gardner (NatWest), Sandra Gómez Garcia (DLA Piper), Moray McLaren (Lexington), John Wilson (Lloyds Banking Group), Patricia Collis (DLA Piper), Juan Pablo Malaver (Bucerius University), Estefania Rodriguez (IE University).

Click here to watch the final presentation.




Legal Eagles: How can Hg and its portfolio companies help each other scale their legal functions most efficiently to meet the needs of rapidly growing businesses?

EngageXchange is a secure GenAI-enabled platform for in-house teams to quickly access Hg-vetted employment specialists and/or advice across jurisdictions. Leveraging existing in-house legal expertise and resources across the entire Hg portfolio, EngageXchange enables Hg best practice employment advice and resources from various jurisdictions to be shared with local in-house legal teams and business units across the globe, saving time and money on duplicative work and increasing consistency and efficacy of employment-related transactions and operations. EngageXchange: Engaging the Power of The Portfolio with Cross-Portfolio Xchange.

Team Members: Chris Castro (Gen II), Dita Hendersone (Hg), Stacey Hosiak (Caseware), Clifton Harrison (EY Law), Mayowa Odusote (DLA Piper), Ayca Cemre Saridogan (Allianz), Hannah Littman (Mariposa), Alex Villalobos (University of Missouri, KC School of Law), Iona Angelika Steger (IE Law), Marième Lo (ISIT).

Final presentation here available with password only.



(SPONSORED BY dentons & walt disney)

Filling the Leadership Gap: How can we incentivize and empower in-house leaders to further develop their leadership style so that they foster a common culture of community, growth, and engagement that aligns with the Disney spirit and Disney LGA’s cultural pillars?

"All Ears" is a feedback tool that encourages and enables Disney's global legal team and its colleagues to share their ideas and opinions on projects and processes (anonymously) ensuring that everyone's voice is instrumental in shaping Disney's magical story. All Ears: Where Your Voice Shapes Our Magic.

Team Members: Melissa Diaz (Disney), Christina Solove (Disney), Rose McDowall (Dentons), Steve Mehr (Ballard & Spahr), Jasper Beardslee (White & Case), Antje Kreutzmann-Gallasch (Deakin Law School), Alizée Potrel (ISIT), Julia Arcagni (Austral University), Anna Fonseca (Bucerius University).

Final presentation here available with password only.



(SPONSORED BY pinsent masons & haleon)

Sights on Rights: How can we ensure all the players in our supply chain around the globe protect/safeguard human rights at all stages of the supply chain, from sourcing raw materials to manufacturing and distribution?

Humanity Link is an online platform wherein manufacturers rate and certify their Tier 1 suppliers based on the ethical and humanitarian standards the Tier 1 suppliers uphold themselves and across their own supply chain. The certification process and ratings facilitates transparency and incentivizes improvement in Tier 1 supplier practices and also ethical sourcing all the way down the supply chain. Humanity Link: Illuminating Supply Chains for Change.

Team Members: Christian Schulze (Haleon), Rachel Coleman (Pinsent Masons), Clare Francis (Pinsent Masons), Max Gaertner (Pinsent Masons), Meaghan Kane Benjamin (STUDIO/Reinvent), Brian Micic (Clyde & Co), Sandra Sakal (HEAD), Thalia Papamichael (Deakin Law), Samara Spiler (Miami Law).

Click here to watch the final presentation.



(SPONSORED BY dentons & walt disney)

Creating Community Across the Globe: How can we help international colleagues in an in-house legal department feel included and connected to Disney’s LGA department in order to positively contribute to Disney LGA’s culture transformation?

Disney's Magic Academy is an in-person leadership externship program that brings together Disney's international lawyers (at various times over the course of a year) to share regional experiences, foster collaboration, enhance leadership style, and learn how to become agents of change. By promoting a two-way flow of ideas and information and participating in leadership learning together, Disney lawyers can create a stronger, more connected global legal community culture that can together better navigate industry complexities in an evolving media landscape. Disney's Magic Academy: To Infinity & Beyond!

Team Members: Tina Aughinbaugh (Disney), Vivian Lee (Disney), Sarah Beeby (Dentons), Lydia Hazlehurst (DLA Piper), Kat Pozniak (Sterling Law), James Peters (LegalZoom), Irene Pappas Fernandez (IE Law), Elena LaCorte (Miami Law), Vivian Yang (University of Sydney Law School)

Final presentation here available with password only.




Moving Fast and Breaking Things: How can professional services organisations, such as law firms, accounting firms and technology companies, both leverage and be a shining example of best practice in their use of AI tools to help and advise clients?

GAiME is an interactive bot that eliminates bias in AI-Bot interviews so that entry-level interviewees are given a fair shot—and professional service providers can hire with confidence in the results. GAiME helps candidates prepare for and excel at bot interviews by providing bespoke personalized interview prep along with practice interviews that include personalized, iterative, real-time feedback tailored to the candidates' level and preferred professionals services' sector. GAiME helps the candidates succeed in AI-bot generated interviews while ensuring transparency, fairness, and bias-free results for hiring professional service providers. GAiME: The Way to Play to Win.

Team Members: Abisola Babarinde (Taylor Wessing), Klaudija Brami (Macfarlanes), Tanja Clarke (iManage), Clare McCarron (iManage), Elena Garrigues (IE Law/Garrigues), Firoza Dodhi (Simmons & Simmons), Ian Norris (Fortun), Soukaina Echerkaoui (HEAD), Sandra Agobian (Deakin Law), Terique Carim (University of the Witwatersrand)

Click here to watch the final presentation.